Tuesday 15 May 2012

Saints Row: The Third Ringtone!

Thanks to the fine folks over at Ill Wireless, we're proud to provide everyone in the Saints Row Community with a special gift, your very own Saints Row: The Third ringtone! This is the same ringtone used in-game when a fellow Saint or citizen of Steelport in need attempts to call you, so you're one step closer to being a part of the Third Street Saints.

Right click on the links below >> "Save as..."
Download .mp3
Download .m4r (for iPhones)

If you're an Android or Windows Phone user, download the .mp3, add it to your phone's music library, and in the phone options for ringtone settings, you should be able to select the .mp3 and set it as your ringtone.

If you're an iPhone user, there's a few more steps. First, download the .m4r file above. Next, double click on the file to execute it. Now, oclick on your iPhone in iTunes and go to the Ringtone section, as the file should be added. Last step is to sync your phone, and the ringtone will now be selectable within your Ringtone Options menu.


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