Tuesday 15 May 2012

Special Operations DLC Pack

The Third Street Saints aren't content to own every day vehicles owned by the citizens of Steelport. When they want a vehicle, they want the best around, and nothing gets better than military-grade equipment, especially when covered in purple.

With the new Special Operations DLC Pack for Saints Row: The Third, you'll gain a collection of fully equipped military vehicles for your garage, in special Saints attire. The Saints VTOL features jet and hover modes making airborne attacks easy and stylish. The Saints Tank and the Saints N-Forcer are the ultimate in armored warfare, showing your opponents the Saints aren't to be messed with. 

The Special Operations Pack will be available on XBL, PSN, Steam, and OnLive beginning April 10th (or the 11th for certain platforms/regions), at a price of $2.99 or 240 MS Points.

Also, big thanks to community member Rokkotu (PC) for uploading the character to the gallery which we used in this video!
As a special note, the Nyte Blayde DLC Pack (from the Season Pass), will be available at the same time the Special Operations Pack goes live beginning April 10th (or the 11th for certain platforms/regions), and will be on sale for $2.99 or 240 MS Points.

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